I watched that vid yesterday and was think why woudl anyone build a new system using that cpu those since its so close to end of life. sure maybe if its just the cpu, I also seem to remember that its only being sold in the US. tha tsaid it really doneesnt make sens beecasue I als oseem t orememebr hearing tyha tthe only r4eason those cpus hwere made was becaus e they were ll faulty or something like that so the ychanged them to me that makes no sense at all but I may have miss heard and missunderstood wha twas being said
I think 95% of these will be upgrades, vice builds. For example, my brother is on a 3600X in his gaming only build, and a 5600X3D would be an excellent option for him as a drop in replacement…if it was available in Canada at a good price.
EDIT: after writing that I thought more about it and had to say that while I don’t think jumping to a new AM4 build is the best idea right now, it would be hard to beat the gaming performance per $ of a cheap b550 board, some 3600mhz ram and a 5600X3D.