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So I finished putting everything together last night and it booted as you see. I didnt have time to reinstall windows on my M2 (it was 12:30am.. work next day.. responsibilities eh!) but it found my current installation on my ssd and booted into it. I will format tonight and get it installed on the M2.
But while I was in windows I noticed that in my corsair CUE sw was only reading half the RPM of my h100i v2 pump even when set at extreme and 0 rpm on the fans!!
I plugged the pump into the pump header but im assuming I need to adjust it in the bios to go at 100%... I thought that was known to be the default setting for a pump, why would that header not be set to 100% by default? I guess cause it has a double use...
The fans at 0 are worrisome however because I do believe everything was plugged in correctly, ill have to double check and maybe also it has to do that nothing was properly installed yet...
Damnation, I really wish Newegg hadn't boosted the price on those cases to 209.99. I was on the verge of buying a white one while it was still $168. Nice build!