BFG GTX 285 OCX 1GB Video Card Review
Manufacturer Product Page: BFG GeForce GTX 285 OCX 1GB PCIe 2.0
Product Number: BFGRGTX2851024OCXE
TechWiki Info: BFGRGTX2851024OCXE
Availability: Now
Warranty: Lifetime
Price: TBD
About a week ago, Nvidia launched their newest bid for market dominance with the GTX 285. While the card itself is nothing more than a massaged GTX 280 with a 55nm core, its performance wowed us even though we reviewed a heavily overclocked version. At this point we all know that ATI doesn’t have a single GPU card that comes close to competing with Nvidia’s new monster but they are making a good show of it by reducing the price of their formidable HD 4870 X2 so it is within spitting distance of the higher-clocked GTX 285s. This in turn is a shot to the gut of Nvidia’s other new kid on the block -the GTX 295- since it currently sits all by its lonesome at the highest peak of the pricing index.
With the GTX 285 we will see the gradual phasing out of the GTX 280 and indeed, we are seeing the telltale signs of this with the outgoing cards retailing for significantly discounted prices. This in effect has been putting some major pressure on the GTX 285 launch since the cards are very similar spec-wise but you can find the GTX 280 for more than $100 less if you care to look around a bit. That $100 may not seem much to some of you but when you have the price of a brand new HD 4670 separating two very similar cards, not many people will look at the more expensive option. Indeed, we expect this situation of opposing prices to iron itself out in the coming weeks but until then the GTX 285 should still appeal to people who want the best performance possible out of a single GPU solution.
Speaking of single GPU solutions, it is due to this one fact that the GTX 285 will probably appeal to the majority of enthusiast customers. Both the GTX 295 and the HD 4870 X2 are limited by their classification as dual GPU cards since this means their performance is closely tied to the compatibility of SLI or Crossfire profiles within a certain game. We have seen from our first GTX 285 review that more than anything else, a dual GPU configuration can and will hold back performance in certain instances and it is usually those instances which you will find yourself stumbling upon during your gameplay sessions.
Today we bring you a review of BFG’s highest-clocked offering into the GTX 285 marketplace: the OCX Edition. Following in the footsteps of the stock, OC, OC+ and OC2 editions this high powered card will only be available at online retailers for the time being. BFG has always been at the forefront of customer service with full RMA service within Canada (yes, that's right, no need to ship back the RMA to the States) and a full lifetime warranty on all of their cards. This means their cards should be of particular interest to us Canadians who have long been asking for home-grown RMA support and processing. Hopefully, BFG will be able to capitalize on the GTX 285’s performance and give us a card worthy of the OCX moniker.

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