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I would like to thank Inik, as he helped me with paypal, emt thing, he didnt have to, but he did. He went out of his way to ask me if I needed the help. Thank you Inik.
I want to thank MARSTG for all his help !!! he has went out of his way to help me with what i need to get a better system and sli and didn't have to !!!!!
Many thanks to Nakano2k1 that is coming to help me with some system work that is not finished yet, will go through a system upgrade as well and some system improvement, hardware wise!
Kudos to Xeven(Santa) for tossin' a veritable boatload of game keys at folks in his Happy New Year Game Giveaway (2018 edition) thread..... that, and being the cause of several brain cramps tryin' to figure out his clues! :thumb: :funky: :biggrin: