Computer cases usually fall into one of two categories: boring and bland or functional and good looking. Lian Li’s new Cowry PC-U6 Special Edition doesn’t fit into any of these preconceived molds but it does blaze a somewhat unique trail in a market niche that hasn’t seen much innovation of late.
Designing mATX and micro ATX cases doesn’t usually involve a large amount of finesse since they are usually meant to act as HTPC enclosures and blend into their surroundings. Lian Li on the other hand has taken a path less travelled by introducing a product that caters to HTPC users but stands out like a sore thumb. Some have called it a snail, others see it as an odd throwback to a cinnamon danish but can the Cowry surprise us all by justifying its staggering $300 asking price?
Designing mATX and micro ATX cases doesn’t usually involve a large amount of finesse since they are usually meant to act as HTPC enclosures and blend into their surroundings. Lian Li on the other hand has taken a path less travelled by introducing a product that caters to HTPC users but stands out like a sore thumb. Some have called it a snail, others see it as an odd throwback to a cinnamon danish but can the Cowry surprise us all by justifying its staggering $300 asking price?
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