The only time they are on the counters if I left an empty treat bag out. I don't give them any human food besides occasionally licking a bit of cream off a plate.My wife feeds our cats in the am, and pm. The fat cat gets fed in the bathroom so he only eats his share.
Do you find that limiting their portions has undesirable effects like they are on the counters all the time?
They rarely bother me for food now except for wet food when I wake up.
The feeder is IMO fantastic. They get consistent feed times even when I'm working. If I end up having to do 12 hours I don't have to worry about them. Just need to find a solution to the lazy cat skipping his meal.
May end up having to do the cat door feeder box anyways. I'll probably be getting a 3rd cat soon. And I can't be letting the fatties eat the new cat's food as well.