Trump will milk this as much as he can, I would say thmat at some point the words of the other administration hired someone to assassinate him would probably slip out of his mouth and most of his blind very possible uneducated supporters would agree and do something stupid, I do know the feeling of being shot, shot at or cut stabbed I have been shot at when much younger I wasn't hit but a guy I was with was, and he didn't even realize it I knew we were being shot at in the outskirts of Penticton summer peach festival years ago I think 1980s I heard the cracking sound what I was sure was a 22 rifle heard the whizzing the guy was with felt a bee sting in his calf we stepped away from the pay phone, and he was bleeding shot through his calf never did figure out who was doing it I have never been buy bullets but a few times in my life I was shot at, another time was at a party in another friend of a friend backyard when the idiot came outside with his shotgun drink and stupid decided everyone had to leave, but before he even asked he shot at the picknick table a few of use were sitting at I got a splinter or two we all started laughing ( we were a little drunk) and just got up and left also as a child I was shot with salt pellets for riding through the power lines past some houses going to a place we called the pit on motorcycles ( beat up dirt bikes) need less to say that hurt like hell I only had one of two pellets in my lower leg but and no we never did stop riding past that place we actually retaliated by throwing boulders through his widows a few nights until the cops almost caught us that was the 1970s, and we were pretty young and stupid 11-12 years old, times were much different back then in every case I went into a calm state a little to calm . when you look at trumps face, I can see he is in disbelief kind of shock nowt fully understanding what was hapening and his ego kept him going but his eyes he was freaked out disbelief which is why I am confident that he is going to milk this as much as he can and like I mention words out of his mouth will possibly say something on the lines of accusing the other administration as attempted assassination, I really hope he doesn't say that but I can almost see him stupidly saying that later on he he does that is going to cause huge issues from his almost cult followers. I mean already so much speculation is happening.