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Alpha 3.23 is live! This is a big one! 
UPDATE: BETA PUSHED TO 2152. MAYBEThe year is 2139,
StarEngine v52.45ti SUPER++++XXTXTXX+ULTRA has been released.
Beta rumoured to end sometime in 2144. Maybe.
Yup... funny every time... predictable, but that's okayUPDATE: BETA PUSHED TO 2152. MAYBE
There are lots of key bind changes that happen to accommodate new additions to the game and new features. Lately there have been more than normal because of so many new additions to the game. They’ll be more yet I’m sure until a final default config is finished.Well it's obvious now you need a minimum of 32 GB ram to run this. Today I finally installed another 2 sticks of cheap DDR4 and the game ran without crashing. It still likes to consume 23GB on average while running.
Learned that they changed how logging out in your ship works, it's now a hold-F-right-click combination to get it to work.