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The Happy thread!


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2010
613 Ontario
Have you ever been a good samaritan? It's true what they say, it does make you feel good.
Last week I left work early and stopped to check a lottery ticket, on my way out I noticed a woman having an issue with her car at an air filling station. Sure enough you could hear the air leaking out the tire. I offered help to change it and next thing I knew I was an hour into undoing overtightened and different size wheel nuts, and a stripped scissor jack.
In the end it all worked out and she got on her way and I felt great for helping a person in need. 😇


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canuckistan
Beavers! I live near a water Aerodrome and hear the awesome engine sounds of the De Havilland Beavers come and go all day. :D

now the noise inside a Beaver, without headphones, holy hell! wife and I went on a tour of the Sunshine Coast in one on our honeymoon :)


Well-known member
Folding Team
Feb 7, 2019
Master bedroom closet light never worked since we moved in about 6 years ago. About a year ago figured out that it was tied to the hallway light swtich. So to have the light work i'd have to have the hallway light on and have the pull string in the right spot. I was crawling around in the attic yesterday anyways and I will be today as well trying to improve some things like how the upper sections of the vaulted ceiling are insulated. But this light thing was bugging me and I wanted to make sure it was addressed before I consider blowing the extra insulation up there. I really don't want to be swimming in insulation in the future.

Someone after the fact added that light but tied it in that way. I know it was done more recently because of the newer wire. Instead of tying it to power they tied it to the switch so I changed that then the closet always had power. Well I took it a couple steps further tore out the octagon box in the closet shoved in a dual gang box and put in an outlet and motion sensor switch and put in 2 pot lights. Now opening the closet the 2 pot lights automatically turn and I no long have an extension cord being used to power the TV above the closet since there is now a power outlet within reach.


Well-known member
Folding Team
Feb 7, 2019
Second negative balance power bill in a row now.

(Financing including it is still costing me.more than it was but I didn't really get the panels up at a good time)


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2009
Edmonton, AB
Have you ever been a good samaritan? It's true what they say, it does make you feel good.
Constantly, I'm a perpetual 'do-gooder'. Though I feel pretty indifferent about it usually. Midly funny story that happened in September;

I was in Vancouver for work and had a spare afternoon before my flight. I've been to Van dozens of times now so the sheen has worn off and there's not much left I haven't done, so I thought I'd go to the Cat Cafe there to kill an hour or so.

As I'm leaving I walk through a side street and see and elderly Asian couple with a flat tire obviously struggling with how to change it. I go to check in on them and they speak minimal English; 'Yes' 'No', 'okay', etc. I offer to help and eventually just offer to change it myself. Through guestures and pointing they get it. So I get to work while wearing dress clothes for work, loosen the lugs, get the scissor jack under the lifting point. Struggle to get it lifted as they parked too close to the curb meaning I had to fight to spin it with the hook.

Jack it up, change the wheel, bolt on the new one and lower the jack. The husband makes a couple 'sturong man' jokes but were obviously appreciative. Once it's down off the jack the wife tries to offer me $20. I politely decline and go to leave.

They push it towards me 'Coffee! Coffee!'

I try to decline, say 'have a nice day' and start to turn away. The wife puts her hand down my front pocket, depositing the $20.

I, almost certainly looking shocked, say 'Okay! Okay! Thank you, take care'. And walk back to my rental car.

And that kids, is the story of how helping strangers got me molested by an old Asian lady in Vancouver.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2009
Edmonton, AB
Just got back from my last work trip for the year. No business flights till at least February baring any weird emergencies. I'm pretty sick of flying.

On the upside this last set put me over to Star Alliance Gold status for 2024, so I've got oodles of eUpgrades and some nice perks for some personal travel. Think I'll do a sun destination and a trip to Japan.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2009
Edmonton, AB
Old dell Alienware 3418 sold about 4 hours after I listed it on Kijiji/FBM with 3 people asking about it which was unexpected.

Between what I sold it for, my AMEX business discount and ebates, I probably paid about $250-300 to upgrade to the newer HDR-OLED version, which isn't too awful.

Now if only my dating life showed such promise :LOL:

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