Logitech G PRO X Wireless Review – The Gaming Headset To Beat!

I can’t believe it… They finally did it! Logitech has finally put a USB Type-C connection on one of their gaming products. Hopefully that expands to the rest of their lineup. The Logitech G Pro X Wireless is exactly what you would expect for the G Pro X Wireless to be. The Pro line is really all about the core functionality of being a solid gaming headset in eSports and for media consumption. I feel like Logitech really pioneered the whole idea behind wireless gaming peripherals being just as good as their wired counterparts, by removing the whole stigma around latency, around battery life, and around reliability in the heat of the moment.
Model & Price
The G Pro X Wireless is a really good contender on the market, but basically all my complaints of the wired version of the G Pro X carry over to the wireless version. In this review we will see exactly what is different, talk about the sound quality, the microphone quality, and its relation to other wireless gaming headsets that are still worth it in 2020.
Let’s begin with some bad news, the price of this new wireless version is $199 USD, which is a $70 premium over the G Pro X wired. It is also double the price of the standard G Pro, which is exactly the same headset, but without the Blue VO!CE functionality. By the way, I don’t want to spoil anything, but Blue VO!CE is just as bad on this model as it was on the wired version.
As for accessories, all the basics are covered. We have the USB Type-C cable for charging, a replacement set of velour ear pads, a carry pouch, and the USB dongle that you can store inside the ear cup if you just rotate it, it will not fall out. In terms of design, nothing has changed. The headset being wireless has increased the weight slightly versus the original G Pro X, and the ear cup thickness has also increased. The actual cushions haven’t gotten thicker, but the ear cup itself, because that is where you can house the additional components and the battery. It is one of the heaviest wireless pairs I have my collection, but you don’t really feel that, they kind of disappear on your head after a while. The leather headband is fantastic, it feels really premium, and I do like the Pro text on it and the stitching on the sides.
Design & Build Quality
The exposed coiled cable on top of each year cup looks fantastic, and in my experience with the G Pro X – which is what I’ve been using for the last 6 to 8 months as my primary gaming headset – I have never noticed this to be an issue and it shouldn’t be an issue here either. Overall, the build quality feels okay, but the swivel on my wireless version is slightly looser than what I have on my wired version. My only nitpick about the design is the chrome accented centerpieces on the ear cups, since they pick up all types of material and gunk that accumulates in the grooves. Also, this matte black material is super easy to scratch. The size extensions are necessary here, and I wish that we had a little bit more just because I’m starting to appreciate wireless gaming audio more and more now that I have a virtual reality headset.
Here is my Oculus Rift S VR Headset, I will be doing this comfort test for all wireless gaming headsets in the future. The G Pro X Wireless handles this situation pretty well, the headset is very comfortable, and the clamping force is not too tight. I just wish the ear cushions was slightly thicker so that it would create a better seal, because at the moment there is a bit of spacing. comfort-wise – outside of VR – I find these fantastic, even with glasses, there is no excessive clamping force. I have worn this headset for 6 hour stretches and when taking them off there is no ringing ears and no pressure accumulation anywhere. The only two things to keep in mind is that there isn’t much padding on the interior, so if your ears are larger and they make contact with that internal wall it might not be so comfortable. Lastly, there is indeed heat accumulation because of the leather ear pads. This is why I appreciate the included velour pads, which are fantastic for the heat of the summer, which is now.
Controls & Indicators
Given that this as a wireless pair all of the controls are located on the left side, so we have our power switch with the red and blue indicators, a very smooth volume wheel, above that is a mic mute, then there is the USB Type-C below the power button and an LED indicator. The microphone is removable, but unfortunately there is no easy way to tell which way the microphone capsule should face your mouth. I had to remove the memory foam in order to realize which way was the correct way. I am not a fan of the volume wheel, just like I was not a fan of it on the G915 keyboards for three reasons. First, there is a bit of resistance on it, but no tactility whatsoever. Second, there is always a bit of a delay between when you adjust the volume on the headset versus when you see the volume bar in Windows. And lastly, it is difficult to have precise volume adjustment because of the other two points, you always end up lowering or adding more volume than intended.
Battery Life
Battery life is rated at 20 hours, but I think is conservative because in 6 hours I dropped 20%. If you do the math I should have about 30 hours of runtime. The one annoying thing about this wireless pair and really all wireless gaming headsets is that if you shut down the system and you power it back on, you have to manually turn the headset off and on again for it to be recognized by the dongle. I would recommend having dongle in your sight, because if the green LED is flashing it means this thing is disconnected, and that the green is solid it means the headset is connected.
Sound Quality
Now let’s talk about sound quality, and I have to say I have always enjoyed Logitech wireless audio. I’m pleased to report that this headset is no exception. To me they sound almost identical versus the wired G Pro X, which has natural clean balanced sound, and that carries over to the G Pro X Wireless. They sound so much fuller and cleaner versus the Corsair HS70, which kind sounds hollow. They have much better mid-range definition and overall resolution versus the HyperX Cloud Flight, but I still feel like the GSP 370 from Sennheiser is a better sounding pair because its low-end is deeper and richer. If you try to add some bass in the equalizer settings in the G HUB suite, it doesn’t really work here, it kind of falls apart. I prefer the default neutral state, because otherwise it sounds muddy when any bass is added. The high notes are beautiful though, really smooth and clean, there is no hiss in the background, even when the headset is that zero volume. I really feel like they have tuned the drivers and the wireless connection to sound as close as possible to the wired version, and that is a major positive.
This headset has excellent passive noise isolation because of ear cushions really muting out everything that is in your environment. And that really helps to pinpoint details in your gaming environment with audio cues and directional awareness. You don’t need surround sound, you don’t need Virtual 7.1 and all that stuff, the basic stereo imaging is fantastic by default. I really don’t know what Logitech has done here in terms of surround sound, which was fantastic on the G933 and the 900 series of headsets, but here it is absolutely not worth it. Not only does it create a really bad soundstage environment, but the bass is incredibly muddy so you lose out a ton of detail on the low-end. There is absolutely no advantage in terms of directional awareness when stereo mode is already so good. Their new cinematic surround sound sounds horrible to my years. It really pains me to say that, honestly, because I loved it on the 900 series of headsets, but I don’t know what happened.
If I was to place this headset in terms of audio quality versus everything else that I have listened to, this would be a close second right behind the GSP 370. It is much better than the HyperX Cloud Flight, much better than the Corsair Virtuoso, and also much better than the Corsair HS70. Having said that, it is also a lot more expensive. I think the expensive part really comes not from the wireless nature, but from the Blue VO!CE tax as I call it. A tax that is simply not needed on this headset because I feel like the microphone capsule itself is just not capable of receiving so many effects like noise gate and compression. By default it doesn’t sound very good, so applying a bunch of effects on top of that makes it sound worse.
Microphone Quality
The G Pro X Wireless microphone without Blue VO!CE enabled is not clear, it’s highly compressed, it doesn’t sound natural, and none of those are characteristics that we would usually attribute to Blue. Regrettably, enabling Blue VO!CE doesn’t help since applying effects doesn’t fix a poor microphone. One of my favorite microphones is actually the Blue Ember, which has beautiful warm tones. Adding Blue VO!CE to this package is an embarrassment really, because when it is enabled Blue VO!CE really does sound worse. There are a few interesting presets like Broadcaster 1 preset, but while it does add little bit more bass, more compression, and more noise gate so I am louder, but the microphone is still quite poor. There are also bad presets like G2 kennyS, which don’t sound ‘pro’ or broadcast quality at all. There is also fun presets like the FM Station one, which is what I would use to chat with my gaming buddies. Nevertheless, I do appreciate that we have a lot of flexibility in the software. I like the idea behind Blue VO!CE and being able to tweak each single EQ setting and come up with your own preset, but it doesn’t fix a microphone that is already poor.
Just for reference, the wired G Pro X headset microphone with Blue VO!CE disabled does sound better than the wireless one, which is understandable. One tip is that you have to lower the gain to around 50%, especially for my voice because otherwise there is clipping. It actually does sound much better when enabled Blue VO!CE is enabled as well, as long as your gain is controlled. If your gain is too high it will sound terrible, and if your gain is slightly lower it will definitely compensate by adding more bass and it will remove a lot of the distortion that might happen when the microphone is too sensitive. I usually have the Broadcaster 1 preset enabled, and as long as my sensitivity is under control it does improve the overall vocal quality, adding more bass, more fullness, and more compression to the voice. The wired microphone without and with Blue VO!CE does sound better than the wireless.
Now to be fair, I feel like all wireless headsets have subpar microphone quality. The GSP 370 by Sennheiser is no exception, but there is a lot more to be desired in terms of depth, resolution of your voice, and clarity too. However, it still just feels so unnatural and compressed. And just to give you another reference point, this is the HyperX Cloud Flight, another wireless headset, but with much worse microphone quality versus the G Pro X Wireless or the GSP 370.
And so to conclude, I feel like the G Pro X Wireless is a welcome addition to the market, despite the high price and despite the poor microphone. The audio quality coming into your ears is really good, easily competing with the GSP 370, and that is a major positive. I have no issues trusting this headset and its audio performance for competitiveness in CS:GO or Escape from Tarkov, and really enjoying anything in my gaming library because the sound is that good.
It really does suck that the surround sound experience is so much worse on the G Pro X Wireless and the G Pro X Wired versus something like G935. However, thankfully, the stereo performance is excellent. I just wish that the quality across all features was more balanced in terms of having a good microphone, having good surround sound, but at least headset has battery life, comfort, and sound quality going for it. Everything else is secondary, but that might be okay for some people. That is my review of the Logitech G Pro X Wireless, hope you enjoyed it.
Buy Directly from Logitech:
Logitech G PRO X Wireless – https://imp.i125364.net/7Z3Gr
G PRO X – https://imp.i125364.net/416rM
G PRO – https://imp.i125364.net/q7rEj
G935 – https://imp.i125364.net/jvKnv
Buy Gaming Headsets In This Review From Amazon:
G PRO X – https://geni.us/GPROX
G PRO – https://geni.us/GPROHEADSET
Sennheiser GSP 370 – https://geni.us/GSP370
Corsair HS70 – https://geni.us/HS70
Corsair Virtuoso – https://geni.us/CORSAIRVIRT
HyperX Cloud Flight – https://geni.us/CLOUDFLIGHT